„All across Europe and in its peripheries, workers, migrants, precarious are confronting neoliberal reforms, intensified exploitation and institutional racism. Experimentations of cross-border organization against global giants such as Amazon, migrants striking the borders of Europe, the women of the global feminist strike and the workers and students on strike in France and elsewhere: these are signals of an insubordination that makes capital reorganize. Yet the lack of a common political initiative on a transnational scale urges us to come together: present and future struggles are in need of coordination efforts. …“ Transnational Social Strike Treffen im November 2018 in Stockholm Against the Logistics of Exploitation.
November 23-24th // 2018 – TSS Meeting Call Out
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16.02.2025: Krefeld: Deutsches Textilmuseum - Zwiegespräche – mit Fotografien von Corina Gertz
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