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Havanna: 18. New Political Science - Konferenz Call for papers

Kuba, 2009 Foto:H.S.


The Cuban Society of Philosophical Research, the Division of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana, and the Higher Institute of International Relations announce the Eighteenth International Conference, “New Political Science,” and a special philosophy colloquium, which will be held at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba and the University of Havana from November 17 to November 20, 2015. The conference is dedicated to Latin America as a Zone of Peace, as proclaimed in December 2014 by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), as well as to the Cuban Federation of University Students (FEU).

The conference is being organized by Cuban and international professors affiliated with the Division of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana and with Dr. Thalía Fung, Head of the School of “Political Science from the South” of the University of Havana. The “Political Science from the South” is a transdisciplinary initiative, including scholars in political science, economics, history, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology. It seeks to develop an analysis of human history and political dynamics from the perspective of the global South, endeavoring to develop insights that are relevant to political strategies of the nations and social movements of the Third World.

Papers can be presented in English or Spanish. The conference will be bilingual; simultaneous or consecutive translation will be provided.

Paper proposals (in English or Spanish), including a paper title and a summary from 250 to 450 words, should be sent by October 15, 2015 to Charles McKelvey (cemck@presby.edu). Please send the abstract in a Microsoft Word document, with your name, position, institutional affiliation, city, country, and E-mail address placed at the top of the page. Paper proposals sent prior to October 15 will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee as they are received, and a decision will be sent promptly.

Papers on the following themes can be included in the International Conference on “New Political Science”:

Contributions of political scientists to the Political Science from the South
The perspective of the South in the ex-colonized countries.
The perspective of the South in the process of social change in the North.
Toward the construction of a new society.
Of what socialism are we discussing in the second decade of the twenty-first century?
The plurality of ways to socialism.
Political culture and political socialization in the period of transition to socialism.
Socialism in Venezuela.
The political thought of Mao Tse Tung.
The political thought of Ho Chi Minh and the Doi Moi policy of Vietnam.
The contributions of the Bolivarian Revolution to the construction of socialism.
The contributions of Evo Morales, Inacio “Lula” da Silva, and Rafael Correa to contemporary political theory
The contributions of the Cuban Revolution to the Political Science from the South: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Regional integration: challenges and perspectives.
José Martí and the political science from the South.
Social movements of the North.
Conflict theory. Significant conflicts in the second decade of the twenty-first century. The role of negotiation in conflicts among the countries of the South.
International political dynamics and contemporary global issues.
The relation between domestic policy and foreign policy.
The relation between philosophy and political science.
Corruption: History and mechanisms.

Papers on other relevant themes will be considered.

The philosophy colloquium will include the following themes:

Problems of the philosophy of education and its present challenges.
Epistemology: the significance of atomic particles for scientific and philosophical knowledge.
The biometric revolution.
Environmental problems and their philosophical implications.
Bioethics and the relation between bioethics and philosophy. The meaning of transhumanism.
Political philosophy and its role in current scientific knowledge.

Papers on other relevant themes will be considered.

Registration fees are 200 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from the United States, Canada and Western Europe; and 100 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. Undergraduate students are provided a 50% discount. In addition to accreditation in the conferences, the fees include translation services, a closing reception/dinner, and refreshments at the conferences.

Anyone interested in the conference should contact Charles McKelvey at cemck@presby.edu.

Participants and/or their institutions are responsible for payment for airlines, hotel lodging, and meals. For more information on travel arrangements, contact Charles McKelvey (cemck@presby.edu).

Basic Preliminary Program
Tuesday, November 17

9:00-12:00 Political Science from the South: Interchange with Cuban historians, social scientists and philosophers of the Cuban Society of Philosophical Research. The University of Havana.

Wednesday, November 18

9:00-4:00 International Conference on “New Political Science.” Hotel Nacional de Cuba.

Thursday, November 19

9:00-1:00 International Conference on “New Political Science.” Hotel Nacional de Cuba.
2:00-4:00 Celebration of the International Day of Philosophy in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana. The Cuban Federation of University Students will be honored.

Friday, November 20

9:00-4:00 International Conference on “New Political Science.” Hotel Nacional de Cuba
4:30 Closing ceremony and dinner at local restaurant

The Eighteenth International Conference, “New Political Science,” is sponsored by: the School of “Political Science from the South” of the University of Havana; the Cuban Society of Philosophical Research; the Division of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana; the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations; the Cuban Association of the United Nations; the Institute of Philosophy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment; the School of Social Sciences of the General Máximo Gómez Academy; the Nico López School of Higher Education of the Cuban Communist Party; the Division of Marxism of the José Antonio Echeverría Polytechnic Institute of Higher Education; and the University of Holguin.

Organizing Committee: Cuban Members: Dra. Sc. Thalía Fung, President; Dra. Lissette Mendoza; Dra.Magda Bauta; MSc. Alberto González; Dr. C. Carlos Delgado Díaz; Dra. Elsie Plain; Dr.Armando Cristóbal Pérez; Dra. Marta M. Pérez Gómez; Dr. Juan Azahares; Dr. Juan Francisco Fuentes; Dr. José R. Diaz Ricardo; Dr. Sc. Rigoberto Pupo Pupo; Dra. Sc. Rita Buch; Dra. Nancy López; Dr. René Márquez, Dr. Luis Orlando Aguilera; Prof. José Carlos Vázquez López; Dr. Ines Rodriguez; Dra. Alicia Barrios Madden; International members: Prof. Renée-Marie Parry (Germany), Inv. Kenneth Parry, England; Dr. Charles McKelvey, United States; Dr. Iedo Fontes (Brazil), M.Sc. Helena Uema (Brazil), Dr. Victorino Barrios Dávalos (Mexico); Dr. Hugo Cornejo (Mexico); Dr. Jorge Valmaseda Valmaseda (Mexico)