USA - 30.07.2010 - von Paul W. Pendorf
Kalifornien ist uns ja immer ein Stück voraus. Deshalb gibt es dort jede Menge Versicherungen, Fonds, und nochmal Versicherungen, damit viele viele Dollars aus den Portemonnais der BürgerInnen in die Kassen der Versicherungswirtschaft fließen.
Die ständigen Gesundheitsreformen und die zunehmende Privatisierung des hiesigen Gesundheits- und Pflegesystems werden auch bei uns einen solchen Markt hervorbringen. Es sei denn, es gelingt, die Amerikanisierung zu verhindern.
Lesen Sie dazu den Brief eines kalifornischen Versicherungsagenten an die Kundschaft, die er immerhin noch zum Dinner einlädt!
Good financial planning involves having a plan for the "what ifs" in life. Here are some of the what ifs:
* What if I get sick? How will I pay for it? Do I understand the difference between "in-network" & "out-of-network" reimbursement rates with my current health insurance?
* What if I am disabled? How will I replace my income? Do I have disability insurance through my employer? Do I understand how it works? How much would it pay and for how long? Do I have enough money saved to pay my bills? Do I have a spouse who is working who could cover things for me?
* What if I live a long time? Will my money last?
* What if I were to die suddenly? Will my family be okay? Do I have adequate life insurance and a trust & will custom designed for my circumstances that will carry on my wishes after I am gone?[b]
* [b]What if due to an illness or injury I need someone to help take care of me? Do I have someone who could do that for me? What would it cost if I had to hire someone? How long could I pay for that care out of my pocket?
* What if I live a long time? Will my money last?
I assume you have good health insurance now to pay the doctors' and hospital bills. If you don't, please call me. I assume you have disability insurance that will replace your income in the event you are disabled. If you don't, please call me. I assume you have enough life insurance to protect your spouse in the event you die. If you don't, please call me.
My research shows that it is unlikely that you have long-term care insurance (ltci). Why should you consider ltci? Please click on this link to see what the cost of care is where you or your parents When you see these costs they will blow your mind. For example, my father has a home in New York where nursing home costs are $116,800/year. My mother lives in Virginia (they are divorced) where nursing home costs are $73,000/year. Both of my parents own ltci so most of that potential expense would be covered by insurance. Can you imagine paying for that cost 100% out of pocket? Their insurance also covers home care expenses.
There are several options that government and the insurance and banking industry offer to deal with these expenses. I would like to you know about those options so you can plan ahead of time and not get caught. If requested, I will email you a copy of the Taking Care of Tomorrow Consumer's Guide to Long-Term Care by the California Department of Aging as well as the Before You Buy Guide from the California Partnership for Long-Term Care. If you prefer a hard copy of each I will mail that to the first 5 respondents to this email.
For those who would like to talk about this matter in person I will be having a meeting about it on Tuesday July 27th from 4:00-5:30 at The Strawberry Farms Golf Club in Irvine. After the meeting dinner will be served. [i]
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