Fto: H.S.
19.04.2024 - von WHO
Our physical and social environments are major influences on how we experience ageing and the opportunities it brings. Creating age-friendly environments enables all people to age well in a place that is right for them, continue to develop personally, be included, and contribute to their communities while enabling their independence and health.
Developing age-friendly cities and communities (AFCC) is a proven way to create more age-friendly environments – for everyone. This guide provides direction to national authorities and stakeholders responsible for or involved in forming or sustaining national programmes for AFCC.
The guide includes suggestions for meaningful engagement of older people in creating age-friendly environments, detailed examples of existing national AFCC programmes, and practical steps for creating or strengthening such a programme. The vision of this guide is for all countries to establish a national AFCC programme by the end of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) – neighbourhood by neighbourhood, city by city, and country by country.
Related links
For more resources and tools, visit the hub for national age-friendly cities and communities programmes Link
WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities A Guide Link
WHOs work on age-friendly environments Link
WHOs work on the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030)Link
This publication is also available in: Español | Português
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