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Culminating Point of Generativity in Older Women

Brasilien - 01.10.2009 - von FQS

Der Kulminationspunkt von Generativitaet bei aelteren Frauen. This paper reviews the current definitions of generativity and its changes through the life cycle. The main characteristics of the life narratives related to the expression of generativity's culminating points are established. A content analysis of fifteen interviews with older women who had experienced the development of a culminating point of generativity during their lives is carried out. Through the qualitative analysis of the narratives, it was determined that there is a continuity of generativity from childhood to old age. Four significant moments related to this development were established: 1. start with early expressions of empathy, solidarity and helpfulness; 2. expansion and productivity in adulthood; 3. consolidation of generative achievements; 4. generative continuity during old age.
The Culminating Point of Generativity in Older Women: Main Aspects of Their Life Narrative

Andrés I. Urrutia, Maria A. Cornachione, Gaston Moisset de Espanés, Lilian Ferragut, Elena R. Guzman. Die AutorInnen sind aus Argentinien!

Link: http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1180/2844
Quelle: FQS