Diskriminierung melden

EU-Kommission: 2012 Jahr des aktiven Alterns

Europäische Union - 14.09.2009 - von empirica.com

Das Jahr 2012 soll zum Europäischen Jahr des aktiven Alterns und der intergenerationellen Solidarität ausgerufen werden.
Following a conference on intergenerational solidarity in April 2008 under the Slovenian Presidency, the Commission is envisaging to organise a European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity. Such a European Year should strengthen intergenerational solidarity by increasing the awareness of the contribution of older people to society and by spreading innovative measures which could help to mobilise the full potential of the ageing baby-boom cohorts. The European Commission had launched an open consultation on this proposal. The purpose of this open consultation was to collect ideas and suggestions from key stakeholders and experts on how to achieve the greatest possible impact with such a European Year and to help the Commission decide whether and how to organise a European Year.
The SEN@ER network partners have submitted a very comprehensive response to this consultation.

In their response SEN@ER partners argued that policy measures for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity could be manifold but require - and their implementation will be significantly eased by - a dedicated policy strategy at all policy levels. Measures to preserve or promote active ageing and intergenerational solidarity recommended by SEN@ER include:
1. European Active Ageing Action Plan defining European objectives, areas of activity and action and setting clear targets to be achieved by 2015
2. Guidance for regional policy making and implementation of actions in these areas addressed to national and regional governments and other relevant institutions.
Both - Action Plan and guidance addressed to the regions - need to bear in mind the specific situation of older migrants and should address the following topics of high relevance for policy development in active ageing:
* Active employment opportunities for older people 50+ / 60+,
* Skills development and life-long-learning for older people, * Ageing well at home, including the development of (ICT-based) products and services for an independent living, * Culture and ageing.

Link: http://www.altersdiskriminierung.de/themen/artikel.php?id=3034
Quelle: Silver Economy Network of European Regions

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