Third conference in the series (Researching) Migration: On New Paths, in Each Direction?
This is the third and final conference in the (Researching) Migration: On New Paths, in Each Direction? series. The first, held in Vienna in 2022, centered on Spaces and Locations of Migration, the second, held in St. Pölten in 2023, discussed Migration, Time, and Temporality.
Date: 15-16 May 2025
Place: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts – ZRC SAZU,
Novi trg 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
„We seek to understand the ways in which these new approaches, based on the idea of complex
movements, help to loosen current associations between migration and the nation-state. In so doing, the conference attempts to broaden perceptions of spatial mobility, which are understood as a fundamental aspect of social life and human agency. We aim to verify and discuss how intersectional perspectives can help us challenge and reinterpret narrow categories and classifications. We also ask how power relations based on categories of differentiation (race/ethnicity, class, gender, citizenship, profession, age, education, religion etc.), affect each other, and how they operate as overlapping systems of inclusion, exclusion, and oppression.
The conference aims to facilitate discussion between scholars from diverse disciplines across the historical and social sciences.“
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15.02.2025: München: Aufruf des Aktionsbündnis gegen die NATO-„Sicherheitskonferenz“
16.02.2025: Krefeld: Deutsches Textilmuseum - Zwiegespräche – mit Fotografien von Corina Gertz
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