Foto: H.S.
I`m 18 and can already see my Alaska community changed forever by climate change. In Sitka, where people have lived for thousands of years, I`ve seen glaciers shrink, summer droughts and deadly landslides – and our elected officials are doing nothing.
Cora Dow, Mon 21 Sep 2020 The Guardian: Link
NZZ, 23.9.2020 cah./(sda) · Mehrere hundert Klimaaktivisten haben seit Montag
den Berner Bundesplatz besetzt gehalten. ... Auch das zweite Ultimatum – bis Dienstagabend – wurde ignoriert. Um 21 Uhr befanden sich noch Hunderte Menschen auf dem Bundesplatz. ... In der Innenstadt hingegen setzte die Polizei mehrmals Tränengas, Gummigeschosse und Wasserwerfer ein. In der Nacht zum Mittwoch hat die Polizei den Bundesplatz geräumt.
NZZ, 23.9.2020
Der Klimawandel bringt das ökologische Gleichgewicht des Zürichsees durcheinander. Wie die Limnologische Station Kilchberg herausgefunden hat, führt die Erwärmung des Wassers zueiner erhöhten Konzentration der giftigen Cyanobakterien, die auch unter
dem Namen Burgunderblutalge bekannt sind." Doch noch viel dramatischer sind laut dem Forscher Thomas Posch die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Nahrungskette."
dpa/JW, 23.9.2020
Das Meereseis in der Arktis ist auf die zweitniedrigste Ausdehnung seit Beginn der Messungen vor rund 40 Jahren geschrumpft. Der Chef des Nationalen Schnee- und Eisdatenzentrums in Boulder, Colorado, Mark Serreze: Wir steuern auf einen saisonal eisfreien Arktischen Ozean zu ... Die Verheerenden Auswirkungen der Klimakrise können bald nicht mehr aufgehalten werden."
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 25.9.2020
Prof. Nicolas Brüggemann: „Seit Jahren bleibt der Niederschlag in ausreichender Menge
aus, aber diVerdunstung im Boden geht weiter.“ Eines der Probleme, die sich daraus ergeben
und die bereits gemessen wurden: Der Boden, der als Waldboden CO 2 aus der Atmosphäre aufnehmen und umwandeln konnte, trocknet immer weiter aus und wird selber zu einer CO 2 -
Quelle.” Nach der Fichte stirbt auch die deutsche Eiche, gefolgt von der Buche. Und die Birke – die packt es auch nicht.
Feuer in Kalifornien, 23.9.2020:
LNU Lightning Complex, multiple North Bay counties (more info…)
Napa, Lake, Sonoma, Colusa, Solano, and Yolo Counties
*363,220 acres, 98% contained
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.
SCU Lightning Complex, multiple Easy Bay counties (more info…)
Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara San Joaquin, Merced, and Stanislaus Counties
*396,624 acres, 98% contained
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.
**Unified Command Incidents**
Snow Fire, Riverside County (more info…)
Snow Creek Rd, west of Palm Springs
*6,254 acres, 80% contained
*Repopulation has started
*Unified Command CAL FIRE, USFS, BLM.
North Complex, Plumas County (more info…)
Southwest of Susanville (Plumas National Forest)
*304,492 acres, 78% contained
*15 fatalities
*1,784 Structures destroyed
*Evacuations in place
*Includes the Bear and Claremont Fire
*CAL FIRE Team 4 is in unified command with US Forest Service IMT Team 4, Butte County Sheriff’s Office and California State Parks.
Creek Fire, Fresno County (more info…)
Northeast of Shaver Lake (Sierra National Forest)
*291,426 acres, 34% contained
*Evacuations in effect
*Heavy tree mortality in the area
*855 structures destroyed
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 1 in unified command with USFS Great Basin Team 1.
El Dorado Fire, San Bernardino County (more info…)
West of Oak Glen (San Bernardino National Forest)
*22,601 acres, 81% contained
*One fatality
*Evacuations in place
*10 structures destroyed
*California Interagency Incident Management Team 13 in unified command with CAL FIRE, Yucaipa Fire Department and San Bernardino County Fire Department.
Butte/Tehama/Glenn (BTU/TGU) Lightning Complex, multiple Counties (more info…)
Butte, Tehama and Glenn Counties
*19,609 acres, 97% contained
*14 structures destroyed
*While no growth is expected, fire suppression repair work is ongoing.
SQF Complex, Tulare County (more info…)
25 miles north of Kernville (Sequoia National Forest)
*144,826 acres, 35% contained
*Castle and Shotgun Fires merged into this complex
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 6 in unified command with USFS Team 2.
**Coordinated Command Incidents**
August Complex, Tehama County (more info…)
Elk Creek and Stonyford area (Mendocino National Forest)
*862,733 acres
*South Zone 487,532 acres, 50% contained
*North Zone 271,421 acres, 35% contained
*West Zone 103,780 acres, 45% contained
*1 fatality
*Includes multiple fires including the Elkhorn, Hopkins, Willow, Vinegar, and Doe fires
*A California Interagency Incident Management Team and Great Basin Team in command
*CAL FIRE Incident Management Team 3 & 5 are deployed on the West Zone of the complex.
**Federal Incidents**
Fox Fire, Siskiyou County (more info…)
*2,188 acres, 61% contained
*Evacuations in place.
Slater Fire, Siskiyou County, (more info…)
5 miles North of Happy Camp (Klamath National Forest)
*152,232 acres, 24% contained
*2 fatalities
*Evacuation orders in place.
Devil Fire, Siskiyou County, (more info…)
5 miles north of Upper Devil’s Peak (Klamath National Forest)
*7,784 acres, 18% contained.
Bobcat Fire, Los Angeles County (more info…)
North of Duarte (Angeles National Forest)
*113,986 acres, 50% containment
*Evacuations in place
*Unified command with the US Forest Service, Los Angeles County Fire Department and Monrovia Fire Department.
Dolan Fire, Monterey County (more info…)
Hwy 1, 10 miles south of Big Sur (Los Padres National Forest)
*128,417 acres, 46% contained
*Structures threatened
*California Interagency Incident Command Team 15 assuming command today.
Bullfrog Fire, Fresno County (more info…)
SE of Bullfrog Lake (Sierra National Forest)
*900 acres, 20% contained.
Fork Fire, El Dorado County, (more info…)
15 miles northeast of Pollock Pines (El Dorado National Forest)
*1,667 acres, 70% contained.
Valley Fire, San Diego County (more info…)
Near Alpine (Cleveland National Forest)
*17,093 acres, 95% contained.
Lake Fire, Los Angeles County (more info…)
Southwest of Lake Hughes
Angeles National Forest / Los Angeles County Fire Department
* 31,089 acres, 96% contained.
Apple Fire, Riverside County (more info…)
Oak Glen/Cherry Valley (San Bernardino National Forest)
*33,424 acres, 95% contained.
Red Salmon Complex – Humboldt County (more info…)
14 miles northeast of Willow Creek (Shasta-Trinity National Forest)
*106,379 acres, 27% contained.
Blue Jay Fire, Mariposa County (more info…)
Yosemite National Park Wilderness
*4,061 acres, 40% contained.
Wolf Fire, Tuolumne County (more info…)
Yosemite National Park Wilderness
*900 acres, 25% contained.
Woodward Fire, Marin County (more info…)
3 miles southwest of Olema (Point Reyes National Seashore)
*4,929 acres, 97% contained.
Slink Fire, Mono County (more info…)
2 miles west of Coleville (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest)
*26,759 acres, 86% contained.
Moraine, Tulare County (more info…)
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness
*668 acres, 70% contained.
Rattlesnake, Tulare County (more info…)
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness
*2,078 acres, 0% contained.
More info: Link
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