Diskriminierung melden

Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Kampage gegen Ageism


Findings from the World Values Survey in 2016 by the World Health Organization (WHO) reconfirmed that ageism pervades society across cultural and regional lines. Sixty per cent of respondents believed that older people are not respected. More than 83 000 people in 57 countries took part in the survey which assessed attitudes to older people across all age groups.

Perceptions of older people as frail, weak, and helpless contribute to widespread social, political, economic, cultural, and civic exclusion. Structural age discrimination prevents policymakers and service providers from responding effectively to population ageing.

The IFA along with many other NGOs and governments around the world are standing up against ageism. Through a global multi-media campaign, the IFA aims to improve the public awareness of ageism and help to mobilised citizens globally.

The campaign will collect firsthand stories of ageism from participants all over the world. By targeting diverse regions, age groups, and professions, the campaign will paint a complex portrait of the international impact of ageism.

To learn more and stay updated on the campaign in months to come, follow IFA on Facebook Link and Twitter Link

Quelle: IFA